The club was formed in May 1972 as the Camrose Rifle and Revolver Club. The name was changed in May 1982 to “The Camrose Shooting Sports Association”.
The objects (purpose) of the society are:
To encourage rifle, pistol, shotgun and muzzle loading shooting amongst the citizens of this community with a view to improved marksmanship, the safe handling of firearms, and the proper care of firearms.
- To encourage rifle, pistol, shotgun and muzzle loading shooting amongst the citizens of this community with a view to improved marksmanship, the safe handling of firearms, and the proper care of firearms.
- To develop the characteristics of honesty, good-fellowship, self-discipline, team play and self-reliance that are essentials of good citizenship.
- To cooperate with other clubs and associations having like objectives.
The secured facilities of CSSA allows members daily access to our outdoor rifle and pistol ranges for informal recreational shooting and target practice. We promote multiple shooting disciplines as mentioned above including Action Pistol and Archery. Check out the facilities banner on the left side of our home page for more information.
You must hold an annual membership to access and use our facilities. There are no day passes or prorated memberships available.
Refer to the CSSA membership banner on the left side of the home page and click the membership tab this will take you to the membership page. There is a button under the heading Where Can I Access Membership Login?
You can use your mobile device to renew or apply for membership. Instructions provided on the website and membership guide can reference for example the left side of home page to access the events calendar which may be only visible for users of desktop computers. Navigation features of mobile devices such as cell phones or I-pads will be different – you must know how to use your device to navigate our website.
You must apply for membership each year, renewals are not automated.
All members and guests of members must follow the current range rules and regulations while using any of our ranges. Members are responsible for the conduct and actions of their guests.
Members are required to always handle and operate their firearms in a safe manner as a Range Safety Officer (RSO) may not be on site at the time you are using the range.
Range rules are available at multiple locations for review:
- On the website click the CSSA Membership banner left side of the home page
- In the clubhouse – copy on the desk.
- On the firing line at the outdoor range – relevant sections are posted
Outdoor range(s) open to members and guests of members year round with the exception of scheduled days for maintenance and or police training . Please limit your shooting time if the range is busy. Reminder to always check the events calendar before you head out to the outdoor range.
Click the Facilities tab located on the left side of the home page to view our range facilities and access additional information specific to each range. You can view our ranges from your computer or mobile device.
Action Pistol, skeet and trap ranges are open only during scheduled times as a Camrose Shooting Sports Association approved Range Safety Officer (RSO) must be present while these ranges are in use. Check the events calendar for dates and times.
Outdoor ranges are not open to the public, you must hold an annual membership to access and use our facilities. Exception is a guest can accompany a member to gain range access for a limited number of visits. Click on the CSSA Membership banner located on the left side of the home page for more info regarding guest fees.
Our ranges are certified by CFO/RCMP approved for both rifle and handgun. Current certification is good to December 31, 2028.
Monday to Saturday 8:00am to dusk, no later than 10:00pm
Sunday 10:00am to dusk no later than 10:00pm
Indoor range located at 4516 – 54 Street Camrose is open each Wednesday night for rimfire rifle/pistol and centerfire pistol practice, 7:00pm to 10:00pm.
The indoor range will reopen Wednesday October 2, 2024 at 7:00pm range and will be closed for the summer starting Wednesday May 7, 2025.
Couple of items to note regarding the indoor range.
We are very fortunate to reach an agreement with the City of Camrose to have the indoor range remain as a stand alone structure.
The City of Camrose has permanently disconnected the water and sewer services to the indoor range. Closest washroom facilities are located at the nearby field house.
Archery at the the indoor range starting Monday November 4, 2024 7:00pm to 9:00pm see either Mark or Brendan at the indoor range located at 4516 – 54 Street Camrose. Closed for the summer starting Monday May 5, 2025.
Archery inquiries send to Brendan bce02@live.com
Members must supply their own archery bows and arrows with target or field tips only on club supplied targets.
Archery at outdoor range open year round excluding scheduled range closures.
Members must provide their own legally owned firearms, ammunition and paper targets we are not setup to rent firearms or sell ammunition and or targets. Exception skeet and trap ranges use club supplied targets at $7.00 per round (a round is 25 clay targets). Members must use paper targets only or may use club installed steel gongs at various distances on the range. Leave your exploding targets, metal swingers, bouncing ground targets etc. at home as these are prohibited from being used on our facilities.
Members of law enforcement, military and security agencies are not allowed to bring any service firearms which are currently prohibited from use by the general Canadian public while shooting as a member of CSSA and must follow our rules. Leave your AR-15 at work as its not allowed on our range as you are shooting as a civilian under our membership. Exception is a when your agency has rented our ranges for firearms qualification of it’s members. Individual self practice or unscheduled group practice by law enforcement, military or security agency members is not an exemption to this rule either.
Ammunition loaded with lead or jacketed lead bullets (most common in North America) is acceptable.
Maximum caliber allowed (in terms of muzzle energy power) on our rifle range per RCMP/CFO is 338 Lapua.
Most military surplus ammunition either rifle or pistol from China or the former Soviet Union and its former satellite states including but not limited to Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine etc. use ammunition with steel penetrator cores in the bullet construction. Use of this ammunition is prohibited at our range.
Shotgun slugs are allowed on the rifle range. Buckshot and or lead or steel shot hunting or target loads are prohibited from being used on the rifle and pistol ranges. If you want to shoot clay targets we shoot both skeet and trap each Sunday at starting at 1:00pm sharp, ranges are located at the north end of the property – check the events calendar for scheduled shooting dates at the shotgun ranges.
Skeet and trap ranges require shells loaded with lead shot no larger that size #7 1/2 is allowed.
Outdoor range is located at the junction of Township Road 463 and Range Road 203 Camrose.
Legal land location SE-21-046-20-4 Camrose Alberta.